Minggu, 09 Desember 2018

Originally answered: how much time does it take to learn the german language until the b2 level? about 600 hours of directed learning, through a language teacher, plus another 600 in practice and memorizing.. Learning a language that is similar to your native language can save you time when learning the alphabet, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. as a general rule, languages that have similar roots are easier and take less time to learn.. Language learning depends mostly on three factors: the attitude of the learner, the time available, and the learner’s attentiveness to the language. if we assume a positive attitude and reasonable and growing attentiveness to the language on the part of the learner, how much time should it.

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The time to learn will depends on what your propose, if you just want to communicate with people or if you want to do things more formally. i really, really, advise you to learn portuguese as soon as possible because in brazil is not so easy to find people that can speak english.. Video transcript. luca accurately explains that there are several factors that can drastically change the amount of time needed to learn a language.in particular: your language goals, your native language and the language you have chosen to learn, how much time you can dedicate to language study, and how motivated you are.. An example: if you finished level a2 and want to do testdaf, which is closing off level c1, you will need ca. 6 months, taking the standard course, or - if you want to invest less time - ca. 4 months taking the intensive course..

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